A Child this day is born,
A Child of high renown.
Most worthy of a scepter,
A scepter and a crown.
Novels, Novels, Novels,
Novels sing all we may,
Because the King of all kings
Was born this blessed day.
The which the holy Prophets
Spake of long time before,
That from the fall of Adam
He should us all restore. Refrain
This Child both God and Man
From Heaven down to us came,
He is the King of all Kings,
And Jesus is His Name. Refrain
These tidings Shepherds heard
In field watching their fold,
Was by an Angel unto them
That night reveal'd and told. Refrain
Who standing near by them
To them shined so bright,
That they amazed were
At that most glorious sight. Refrain
To whom the Angel spoke,
Saying, Be not afraid,
Be glad, poor silly shepherds;
Why are you so dismayed Refrain
For lo, I bring you tidings
Of gladness and of mirth,
Which cometh to all people by
This holy Infants birth. Refrain
Him hath God lifted up
As light and shepherds horn,
Which in the city of David
This present time was born. Refrain
The only Son of God was he
The Lord and God most Highest;
And he is the true Shepherd,
The young child Jesus Christ. Refrain
Then there was with the Angel
A Host incontinent
Of heavenly bright soldiers,
Which from the Highest was sent. Refrain
Lauding the Lord our God,
And his Celestial King;
All Glory be in Paradise,
This heavenly Host did sing. Refrain
Glory be unto our God,
That sitteth still on high,
With praises and with triumph great,
And joyful melody. Refrain
But when this holy Ar