Rhema Marvanne was born
September 15, 2002. Her Father is Teton Marvanne and Mother is Wendi
Marvanne. She was born at Trinity Hospital in Carrollton, TX. She was
carried to term but was still very small. Rhema weighted 4.11 lbs and
had to stay in the NICU for 3 weeks before she was taken home.
Rhema Marvanne is seven
years old and she, loves her father and her dog Mojo. They attend
Prestonwood Baptist Church in Plano, TX. Rhema was baptized on October
18, 2009 after accepting Christ as her Savior.
began singing the same time she began talking. It was less than a year
ago Rhema recorded her first song, Amazing Grace and quickly became an
Internet singing sensation. During her free time Rhema enjoys playing
with her friends, playing outside, playing with dolls and watching
The best way to describe Rhema is that she has a beautiful heart and soul. She is sweet, kind, caring and most importantly pure in heart.
Most people who have dealt with or is currently dealing with cancer, disease, challenges, etc…..sees hope and inspiration in Rhema. The little girl who should have been scared or harmed by seeing her mother suffer and gone, is strong and perfect. Most people that hear her sing can not deny that God does speak through a child. Her voice touches people’s hearts.